Church Congregtaion on steps

About us

We come from a wide variety of backgrounds with many different experiences of life but we are drawn together by our common faith in God, and for our love for each other and for the world that God created. We know that we are not perfect and that we make mistakes but we have all known the grace of God in our lives, and his forgiveness and power to change us.

We live as hopeful people and witness to that hope in the world around us. We also recognise that this is not always easy. We believe that Jesus coming into the world has changed everything and that this is good news – the gospel!

We believe that individual lives, friendships, families and communities can be transformed by the love and presence of God in the world.

Prayer Meeting

Find out what we believe

P1050922 family

Learn about our team

P1020601 Membership

Church Governance


If you can’t find what you are looking for please give us a ring or arrange a visit. You will find us at the junction of Half Moon Lane and Winterbrook Road.

Herne Hill Baptist Church Half Moon Lane LONDON SE24 9HU 020 7274 5445

Our office is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am to 3.30pm.

Charity info

Herne Hill Baptist Church is a registered charity in England and Wales (1153419). This means that our accounts are regularly submitted to the charity commission for scrutiny and that financial gifts to Herne Hill Baptist Church can be gift-aided.