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Our youth ministry kicks off on Friday evenings with our Blu Youth Club and also runs on Sundays, with additional special events throughout the year. Young people can join Youth from school year 7 or aged 11 years.

This ministry is run by our Youth, Children and Families Worker, Chris Willis.

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Blu Youth

Fridays, 7.00pm to 9.30pm

Every Friday evening during term time, we meet together for games, sports, and other kinds of activities. The first hour, from 7pm to 8pm is shared with Blu Kids. From 8pm until 9:30pm we have additional time just for the youth. Every week we have a tuck shop.

Every week we have a thought for the week, where we will shine a spotlight on the gospel of Jesus Christ, through sharing stories, provoking discussion, and providing thoughts and reflections for the week. Most weeks this will be 5-10 minutes.

youth & kids baking

Sunday Youth

10.30am to 12pm

We currently run a combined programme for all young people aged 11-18. We use a mixture of videos, teaching, games, activities, and discussion to explore the Bible together. The last Sunday of each month is All Age Worship.


If you can’t find what you are looking for please give us a ring or arrange a visit. You will find us at the junction of Half Moon Lane and Winterbrook Road.

Herne Hill Baptist Church Half Moon Lane LONDON SE24 9HU

[email protected] 020 7274 5445

Our office is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am to 3.30pm.

Charity info

Herne Hill Baptist Church is a registered charity in England and Wales (1153419). This means that our accounts are regularly submitted to the charity commission for scrutiny and that financial gifts to Herne Hill Baptist Church can be gift-aided.